Key Sections of Cover Explained
Main Travel Insurance Policy Benefits Explained
Below you will find sections of cover that may be included in your Able2Travel Travel Insurance policy, along with a summary of what that cover consists of. The following is only a brief summary and the Policy Wording takes precedent and contains the full terms, conditions and restrictions in cover. Click here to view the policy wording.
Although some cover sections come with Able2Travel Travel Insurance’s travel policy as standard, others are optional add-ons, which, you may opt to include on your travel insurance policy, for an additional premium. Subsequently, not all sections of cover detailed below are necessarily applicable to you. Your Policy Certificate will display any additional covers that you may have purchased.
If you have already purchased your Able2Travel Travel Insurance, you should have already received a confirmation email containing your Able2Travel Travel Insurance policy document as an attachment. If you have not please contact us to arrange re-sending it - click here to contact us.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This will outline the key sections of your Travel Insurance cover and options. This summary is provided for convenience purposes only to give limited information on the applicable Policy, available in conjunction with the Able2Travel Travel Insurance. It is not a contractual summary. Always refer to your policy documents for information regarding your specific policy.
It is important to note that all policy benefits are subject to terms, conditions and exclusions.
Key Sections of Cover:
Trip Cancellation
If your trip is cancelled or rescheduled for a covered reason listed below in brief (please see policy wording for full details), we will reimburse you for your non-refundable trip payments, deposits, cancellation fees and change fees (less any available refunds), up to the maximum benefit for ‘Trip Cancellation’ shown in the ‘Cover Summary’ less the excess.
NOTE: This benefit only applies before you have left for your trip.
Covered Reasons:
- You or a travelling companion becomes ill or injured, or develops a medical condition disabling enough to make you cancel your trip (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
- A family member who is not travelling with you becomes ill or injured, or develops a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
- You, a travelling companion, family member or your service animal dies on or after the date your policy was issued.
- You or a travelling companion is quarantined before your trip due to having been exposed to a contagious disease or epidemic/pandemic.
- You or a travelling companion is in a traffic accident on the departure date.
- You are legally required to attend a legal proceeding during your trip.
- Your primary residence becomes uninhabitable.
- Your travel carrier cannot get you to your original itinerary’s destination for at least 24 consecutive hours from the originally scheduled arrival time due to natural disaster or severe weather.
- You or a travelling companion is involuntarily made redundant by a current employer after your trip booking date.
- You or a travelling companion serving as a first responder is called in for duty due to an accident or emergency (including a natural disaster) to provide aid or relief during the originally scheduled trip dates.
- You, a travelling companion or a family member serving in the armed forces is reassigned or has personal leave status changed, except because of war or disciplinary action.
- Your or travel companion's travel documents required for the trip are stolen.
Trip Interruption
If you have to interrupt your trip or end it early due to one or more of the covered reasons listed below, we will reimburse you, less available refunds, up to the maximum benefit for ‘Trip Interruption’ shown in the ‘Cover Summary’.
Covered Reasons:
- You or a travelling companion becomes ill or injured, or develops a medical condition that is disabling enough to make you interrupt your trip (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
- A family member who is not travelling with you becomes ill or injured, or develops a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or a pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
- You, a travelling companion, family member or your service animal dies during your trip.
- You or a travelling companion is quarantined before your trip due to having been exposed to a contagious disease or epidemic/pandemic.
- You or a travelling companion is in a traffic accident.
- You are legally required to attend a legal proceeding during your trip.
- Your primary residence becomes uninhabitable.
- Your travel carrier cannot get you to your original itinerary’s destination for at least 24 consecutive hours from the originally scheduled arrival time due to natural disaster or severe weather.
- You or a travelling companion serving as a first responder is called in for duty due to an accident or emergency (including a natural disaster) to provide aid or relief during the originally scheduled trip dates.
- You or a travelling companion is a traveller on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle, or vessel.
- You, a travelling companion or a family member serving in the armed forces is reassigned or has personal leave status changed, except because of war or disciplinary action.
- You miss at least 50% of the length of your trip due to travel carrier delay, a strike or industrial action, natural disaster, roads are closed due to severe weather, lost or stolen travel documents that cannot be replaced in time, or civil disorder.
- A travel carrier denies you or a travelling companion boarding based on a suspicion that you or a travelling companion has a contagious medical condition (including an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19). This does not include being denied boarding due to your refusal or failure to comply with rules or requirements to travel or of entry to your destination.
Travel Delay & Missed Departure
If your or a travelling companion’s trip is delayed for one of the covered reasons listed below, we will reimburse you for the following expenses, less available refunds, up to the maximum benefit for ‘Travel Delay’ shown in the ‘Cover Summary’:
- Your lost prepaid trip expenses and additional expenses you incur while and where you are delayed for meals, accommodation, communication and transportation. The delay must be for a minimum delay of 12 full hours and a maximum daily limit also applies as shown in the ‘Cover Summary’.
- If the delay causes you to miss the departure of your cruise or tour, necessary transportation expenses to either help you rejoin your cruise/tour or reach your destination.
- If the delay causes you to miss the departure of your flight or train due to a local public transportation delay on your way to the departure airport or train station, necessary transportation expenses to either help you reach your destination or return home.
Covered Reasons:
- A travel carrier delay (this does not include a travel carrier’s cancellation prior to your departure date).
- A strike, unless threatened or announced prior to date of booking your trip.
- Quarantine during your trip due to having been exposed to a contagious disease or epidemic/pandemic.
- A natural disaster.
- Lost or stolen travel documents.
- Hijacking, except when it is a terrorist event.
- Civil disorder, unless it rises to the level of political risk.
- A traffic accident.
- A travel carrier denies you or a travelling companion boarding based on a suspicion that you or a travelling companion has a contagious medical condition (including an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19). This does not include being denied boarding due to your refusal or failure to comply with rules or requirements to travel or of entry to your destination.
If your baggage is lost, damaged or stolen while you are on your trip, we will pay you, less available refunds, the lesser of the following, up to the maximum benefit for ‘Baggage’ as shown in the ‘Cover Summary’:
- Cost to repair the damaged baggage; or
- Cost to replace the lost, damaged or stolen baggage with the same or similar item, reduced by 10% for each full year since the original purchase date, up to the maximum of 50% reduction.
Baggage Delay
If your baggage is delayed by a travel supplier during your trip, we will reimburse you for expenses you incur for the essential items you need until your baggage arrives, up to the maximum benefit for ‘Baggage Delay’ shown in the ‘Cover Summary’.
Replacement Prescribed Medication
If your prescribed medication is lost or delayed by a travel carrier during your outbound travel for more than 24 hours or is damaged or stolen while on your trip, we will reimburse you, up to the maximum benefit for ‘Replacement Prescribed Medication’ as shown in the ‘Cover Summary’, for the cost of obtaining enough necessary prescribed medication to enable you to continue treatment as prescribed by your doctor until the end of your trip. This includes the additional costs incurred in arranging and transporting emergency prescribed medications if this is not available locally.
Mobility & Disability Equipment
If your mobility & disability equipment is lost or damaged by a travel carrier or is stolen while you are on your trip, we will pay you, the lowest of the following, up to the maximum benefit for 'Mobility & Disability Equipment Cover' as shown in the 'Cover Summary':
- The cost to repair the damaged mobility & disability equipment; or
- The cost to replace the lost, damaged or stolen mobility & disability equipment with the same or similar item, reduced by 10% for each full year of use since the original purchase date, up to the maximum of 50% reduction
Emergency Medical/Dental Cover Abroad
If you receive emergency medical or dental care while you are on your trip abroad for one of the following covered reasons, we will reimburse the reasonable and customary costs of that care for which you are responsible, up to the maximum benefit for ‘Emergency medical/dental cover abroad’ shown in the ‘Cover Summary’ (dental care is subject to the maximum sublimit listed for ‘Dental Care’):
- While on your trip abroad, you have a sudden, unexpected illness (including unexpected complications of pregnancy or childbirth), injury or medical condition that could cause serious harm if it is not treated before your return home (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
- While on your trip abroad, you have a dental injury or infection, a lost filling or a broken tooth that requires immediate treatment.
If you need to be admitted to a hospital as an inpatient, we may be able to guarantee or advance payments, where accepted, up to the limit of the Emergency medical/dental cover abroad section.
Emergency Transport
Emergency Evacuation (Transporting you to the nearest appropriate medical facility)
If you become seriously ill or injured or develop a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19) while on your trip, we will pay for local emergency transportation from the location of the initial incident to a local doctor or local medical facility. If we determine that the local medical facilities are unable to provide appropriate medical treatment:
- our medical team will consult with the local doctor to obtain information necessary to make appropriate decisions regarding your overall medical condition;
- we will identify the closest appropriate available hospital or other appropriate available facility, make arrangements to transport you there and pay for that transport; and
- we will arrange and pay for a medical escort if we determine one is necessary.
Medical Repatriation (Getting you home after you receive care)
If you become seriously ill or injured or develop a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19) while on your trip and our medical team confirms with the treating doctor that you are medically stable to travel, we will:
- Arrange and pay for you to be transported via regularly scheduled service on a common carrier in the same class of service that you originally booked (unless otherwise medically necessary), for the return leg of your trip, less available refunds for unused tickets.
- Arrange and pay for a medical escort if our medical team determines that one is necessary.
Transport to Bedside (Bringing a friend or family member to you)
If you are told by the treating doctor that you will be hospitalised for more than 72 hours during your trip or that your condition is immediately life-threatening, we will arrange and pay for round-trip transport in economy class on a travel carrier and necessary additional accommodation for one friend or family member to stay with you
Return of Dependents (Getting minors and dependents home)
If you die or are told by the treating doctor you will be hospitalised for more than 24 hours during your trip, we will arrange and pay to transport your travelling companions who are under the age of 18 or are dependents requiring your full-time supervision and care to one of the following:
- Your primary residence; or
- A location of your choice in your country of residence.
Repatriation of Remains (Getting your remains home)
We will arrange and pay for the reasonable and necessary services and supplies to transport your remains to one of the following:
- A funeral home near your primary residence; or
- A funeral home located in your country of residence.
Search and Rescue
We will pay the cost of search and rescue activities by a professional rescue team, up to the maximum benefit for ‘Search and rescue’ shown in the ‘Cover Summary’, if you are reported missing during your trip or have to be rescued from a physical emergency.
Personal Liability
If you are legally liable for something you do that results in one of the following, we will pay up to the maximum benefit for ‘Personal Liability’ shown in the ‘Cover Summary’, plus any other costs we agree to in writing:
- Bodily injury to any person, except you, a family member or a travelling companion.
- Loss of or damage to property which you do not own and which you or a family member have not hired, loaned or borrowed.
- Loss of or damage to the accommodation you are using on your trip that does not belong to you or a family member.
Travel Accident
There is a limit of £5,000 in the event of the death of an insured person who is aged 16 or under. The following conditions apply cover will be provided for a permanent physical disability which:
- prevents you from doing any paid work;
- results in total and permanent loss of sight in one or both eyes; or
- results in total and permanent loss of use of one or both hands or one or both feet.
Trip Services During Your Trip
If you need medical information services during your trip, our Emergency Assistance team is available. With our global reach and multi-lingual staff, we are here to help you.
Finding a Doctor or Medical Facility
If you need care from a doctor or medical facility while you are travelling, we can assist you in finding one.
Loss of Travel documents
If your passport or visa is lost, stolen or destroyed while you are on your trip, we will reimburse you, up to the maximum benefit for ‘Loss of Travel Documents’ shown in the ‘Cover Summary’ for the following:
- the cost of your necessary extra travel and accommodation expenses as well as administration costs for the issuing of the emergency passport and/or visa you need to continue your trip or return to your primary residence; and
- the equivalent cost (based on the current standard replacement costs) of the period remaining on your passport that is lost or has been stolen or destroyed.
Personal Money
If your personal money is lost or stolen while you are on your trip, we will reimburse you, up to the maximum benefit for ‘Personal Money’ shown in the ‘Cover Summary’ .
Legal Expenses
If you die, fall ill or are injured during your trip and you (or your personal representative) take legal action against a third party to claim damages or compensation for negligence, we will do the following:
- Nominate an appointed adviser to act for you. This could be a solicitor or a suitably qualified person or company (including us). If you and we cannot agree on an appointed adviser, the matter can be referred to an alternative resolution facility.
- Pay legal costs of up to the amount shown in the Cover Summary for you (but not more than twice this amount in total for all people insured under this policy) for each event giving rise to a claim.
Policy Options Explained
Optional Sports Cover
The cover under this section only applies when the appropriate ‘Optional Sports Cover’ premium has been paid for Activity packs 2-5 and this is shown in your policy certificate. Cover for taking part in Activity pack 1 activities, automatically applies under sections A-M, but there is no cover under section N, unless you have paid the additional premium to have this included, and it is shown in your policy certificate.
Missed activity
If you cannot participate in one or more of your prepaid activities during your trip for a covered reason listed below, we will reimburse you for your non‐refundable costs that you paid for the activities, less available refunds, up to the maximum benefit for Missed Activity shown in your Cover Summary. Please note that this cover only applies before the start of the activity.
Covered Reasons:
- You, a travelling companion or a family member who is participating in the activity becomes ill or injured, or develops a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
- Your family member who is not participating in the activity becomes ill or injured, or develops a medical condition.
- Your or a travelling companion’s death.
- The death of your family member or your service animal on or within 30 days prior to the scheduled start date of the activity.
- Your prepaid activity is cancelled by the supplier of the activity due to severe weather.
- Your ski resort closes 75% or more of its ski trails due to lack or excess of snow.
Sporting Equipment Cover
If your sporting equipment is lost or damaged by a travel supplier or is stolen while you are on your trip, we will pay you, less available refunds, the lowest of the following, up to the maximum benefit listed for Sporting Equipment Damage, Loss, or Theft in your Cover Summary:
- The cost to repair the damaged sporting equipment; or
- The cost to replace the lost, damaged or stolen sporting equipment with the same or similar item, reduced by 10% for each full year of use since the original purchase date, up to the maximum of 50% reduction.
Sporting Equipment Rental cover
If your sporting equipment is lost or delayed by a travel supplier during your outbound travel for more than 24 hours or is damaged or stolen while on your trip, we will reimburse the necessary costs for renting replacement sporting equipment to use during your trip, up to the maximum benefit listed for Sporting Equipment Rental Cover in your Cover Summary. This cover does not include motorised equipment or vehicles.
Search and Rescue
We will pay the cost of search and rescue activities by a professional rescue team, up to the maximum benefit listed for search and rescue cover in your Cover Summary, if you are reported missing during your trip or have to be rescued from a physical emergency. The maximum benefit listed for this cover is in addition to any other search and rescue benefit that this policy provides.
Optional Cruise Cover
The cover under this section only applies when the appropriate ‘Optional Cruise Cover’ premium has been paid and this is shown in your policy certificate. The cover provided under sections A-M still applies for trips involving a cruise, even if the premium for cover under this section has not been paid.
Missed port of call
If you are on a cruise that misses a scheduled port of call indicated on your original itinerary or replaces it with another port of call, we will pay you the per port amount listed on your Cover Summary for each port you missed, up to the maximum benefit listed for Missed Port of Call cover.
Low/High water
We will pay you the per occurrence amount listed on your Cover Summary, up to the maximum limit listed for Low/High Water cover, for each cruise interruption of your river cruise caused by insufficient or excess water levels, where the travel supplier provides only land-based alternative accommodation or require that you change ships.
We will not pay for covered losses caused by the same event under more than one of: Low/High Water cover, Missed Port of Call cover, or Travel Delay cover.
Cabin confinement
We will pay you the amount listed on your Cover Summary if a doctor on board your cruise ship advises you, individually and personally, not to leave your cabin because of an injury or illness during your trip.
We will not pay for covered losses caused by the same event under more than one of: Cabin Confinement cover, Travel Delay cover, or Trip Interruption cover. There is also no cover where confinement applies broadly to all guests on the vessel rather than just to you individually.
Shore excursions cover
We will reimburse you, less available refunds, up to the amount listed on your Cover Summary for the cost of excursions you have pre-paid but cannot go on during your trip because:
- a doctor on board your cruise ship has advised you not to go on the excursion because of your illness, injury, or a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19) during your trip; or
- your cruise ship cannot make a scheduled stop at a port because of bad weather or other restrictions;
We will not pay for covered losses caused by the same event under more than one of: Missed Port of Call cover, Trip Interruption cover, or Shore Excursions cover.
Denied boarding
We will pay you the amount listed on your Cover Summary for meals, communication expenses and local transportation, if you are denied boarding the cruise ship that you are scheduled to travel on for your trip, based on a suspicion that you have a contagious medical condition.